In today’s fast-moving world, businesses rely heavily on email marketing to connect with their audience, build relationships, and boost sales. Two popular platforms that help businesses with email marketing are Moosend vs iDealSMTP. While both platforms offer robust features for sending bulk emails, managing lists, and tracking campaigns, key differences set them apart.


Moosend and iDealSMTP


In this article, we’ll look closer at Moosend vs iDealSMTP, comparing their features, pricing, ease of use, and customer support. This will help you decide which email marketing tool best fits your business needs.



Trail Plan Standard Plan Premium Plan Professional Plan
$50 $145 $185 $225
Sending Limit Sending Limit Sending Limit Sending Limit
1000 Emails/Hour 1500 Emails/Hour 3000 Emails/Hour 5000 Emails/Hour


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What is Moosend?


Moosend is an all-in-one email marketing platform that helps businesses design, send, and track email campaigns. It is known for its user-friendly interface and wide range of features like email automation, drag-and-drop editor, segmentation, and detailed analytics. Moosend is popular among small to mid-sized businesses because it is affordable and offers many features that larger platforms have.




What is iDealSMTP?


iDealSMTP is a reliable SMTP service provider that focuses on delivering emails to your recipients’ inboxes. With a strong focus on bulk email delivery, iDealSMTP helps businesses send large volumes of emails, whether they’re newsletters, marketing campaigns, or transactional emails. iDealSMTP ensures high deliverability rates and offers flexible pricing plans to cater to businesses of all sizes.




Moosend vs iDealSMTP- Comparison Table


Here’s a comparison table that highlights the key differences between Moosend and iDealSMTP:


Feature Moosend iDealSMTP
Primary Focus All-in-one email marketing platform with email design, automation, and analytics SMTP service provider focused on high deliverability for bulk emails
Email Editor Drag-and-drop editor for creating emails with pre-designed templates No email editor; relies on SMTP for sending emails
Email Automation Advanced email automation with triggers and conditions Basic automation; focuses more on email delivery
Deliverability Good, but can face challenges with large volumes Excellent, especially for bulk emails with techniques like IP rotation and reputation management
Analytics & Reporting Detailed analytics with open rates, click-through rates, and A/B testing Basic email tracking; focuses on delivery status
Pricing Subscriber-based pricing, with a free plan available for small businesses Pay-as-you-go pricing based on the number of emails sent
Customer Support Email, chat, and phone support; knowledge base with guides and tutorials 24/7 email and phone support with a focus on technical setup and deliverability
Integrations Integrates with platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Zapier, WordPress, Salesforce SMTP integration is compatible with any system that supports SMTP
Target Audience Small to mid-sized businesses looking for a complete email marketing solution Businesses and marketers sending large volumes of bulk emails
Security & Compliance GDPR-compliant; follows industry-standard security protocols GDPR-compliant; offers SSL/TLS encryption, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authentication
Best For Businesses needing email automation, design, and tracking features Businesses focused on email deliverability and large-scale bulk email sending
Ease of Use Beginner-friendly with a simple interface and drag-and-drop editor Requires technical knowledge of SMTP, but simple for bulk email delivery
Free Plan Yes (for limited subscribers) No free plan, but flexible pay-as-you-go pricing


Now, let’s compare the two services in detail.


1. Email Sending Features


Moosend offers a range of email marketing features that make it easy to create and send emails. With its drag-and-drop editor, you can design beautiful emails without needing to know any coding. Moosend also allows you to create automated email sequences, which can save you time and help engage your audience at the right moments.


Email Sending Features


Some key features of Moosend:


iDealSMTP, on the other hand, focuses more on email delivery rather than design. It provides a strong SMTP server that allows you to send transactional emails, bulk emails, and marketing emails. The platform doesn’t offer a drag-and-drop editor or templates like Moosend, but it ensures that your emails reach your recipients’ inboxes.


Some key features of iDealSMTP:


2. Deliverability


When it comes to email marketing, deliverability is crucial. If your emails don’t reach your customers’ inboxes, all your efforts can go to waste.


Improve Email Deliverability


Moosend has a good reputation for deliverability, but it may face challenges when sending large volumes of emails or when targeting certain types of recipients (like highly filtered corporate email servers). It has built-in tools to help you improve deliverability, such as spam tests and email list cleaning.


iDealSMTP excels in deliverability, especially for bulk emails. Since its main focus is on ensuring emails land in the recipient’s inbox, it uses techniques like an SMTP server with IP rotation and reputation management to avoid being flagged as spam. This makes iDealSMTP a better option if you are looking for high deliverability for large volumes of emails.


3. Ease of Use


Moosend offers a user-friendly interface perfect for beginners, while iDealSMTP provides reliable performance with a bit more technical setup for bulk email senders. Read below in details:


Ease of Use


Moosend is designed for ease of use, especially for beginners. Its drag-and-drop editor allows users to create beautiful emails without needing any technical skills. The platform is easy to navigate, and users can quickly set up automation, segment lists, and track results.


iDealSMTP, while simple, is more technical than Moosend. It requires some knowledge of how SMTP servers work and how to configure email settings. However, once set up, iDealSMTP offers reliable performance and ease of use for businesses focused on sending bulk emails.


4. Email Automation


Moosend excels in email automation. It offers a wide range of triggers and conditions to automate emails based on user actions, such as sign-ups, purchases, or abandoned carts. You can set up email workflows that help you engage with your audience automatically.


With iDealSMTP, email automation is not the primary focus. The platform is mainly about delivering emails efficiently rather than automating complex email flows. If automation is a key requirement for your business, Moosend is the better option.


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5. Analytics and Reporting


Moosend provides detailed analytics and reporting tools that help you track the performance of your email campaigns. You can view metrics like open rates, click-through rates, bounces, and unsubscribes. It also offers A/B testing features, allowing you to optimize your campaigns based on data.




While iDealSMTP offers basic email tracking features, such as delivery status, it doesn’t have the in-depth analytics that Moosend provides. If you need advanced analytics to monitor and improve your email campaigns, Moosend may be the better choice.


6. Pricing


Moosend offers flexible pricing based on the number of subscribers you have. It also has a free plan, which is great for small businesses just starting with email marketing. As your subscriber list grows, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan, but Moosend’s pricing is still competitive compared to other email marketing platforms.


iDealSMTP offers pay-as-you-go pricing, which means you only pay for the emails you send. This is particularly useful for businesses that need to send large volumes of emails. iDealSMTP is more cost-effective if your primary goal is sending bulk emails, while Moosend is more suited to businesses that require both email design and automation features.


7. Customer Support


Moosend provides customer support via email, chat, and phone. It also has a knowledge base with helpful guides and tutorials. Users report good experiences with Moosend’s support team, making it a reliable choice for businesses that may need assistance setting up and managing their email campaigns.


iDealSMTP also offers 24/7 customer support via email and phone. Their team is experienced in helping businesses with technical setups, IP warming, and deliverability issues. Since iDealSMTP is more technical, having strong customer support is essential, and users appreciate the quick responses from their support team.


8. Integrations


Both Moosend and iDealSMTP offer integrations with other tools and platforms.


Moosend integrates with popular platforms like:


These integrations make it easy to connect your email marketing efforts with your e-commerce store or CRM platform.


iDealSMTP integrates with a wide range of email clients and applications via SMTP, which means you can use it with almost any system that supports SMTP. It is designed to be flexible and can be integrated with your existing email infrastructure without any hassle.


9. Security and Compliance


Security is a major concern for businesses that handle customer data.


Moosend follows industry-standard security protocols and is GDPR-compliant. It ensures that user data is protected and that email campaigns meet the necessary legal requirements.


iDealSMTP takes security seriously by providing features like SSL/TLS encryption for emails and SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authentication to prevent phishing and spoofing attacks. It is also compliant with GDPR and other international data protection regulations.




When choosing between Moosend and iDealSMTP, it depends on your business needs.



In the end, both platforms have their strengths, and the right choice depends on what you need from your email marketing tool. If you need powerful automation and design features, Moosend will serve you well. But if deliverability and bulk sending are your main concerns, iDealSMTP is the way to go.


Regardless of your choice, both Moosend and iDealSMTP offer excellent solutions for businesses looking to enhance their email marketing efforts.


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